Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dozens await Hendra virus test results

As many as 50 people must wait until Friday before they can be cleared of incubating the potentially deadly Hendra virus.

On Tuesday morning, Queensland Health re-tested 25 staff of a Brisbane bayside veterinary clinic at the centre of the worst Hendra virus outbreak since 1994.

Two horses died from the virus about a fortnight ago and two staff at the clinic are in hospital after contracting the virus last week.

Authorities say it takes 14 days for the virus to incubate and a negative test the second time round would clear individuals of the potential of contracting the virus.

The results are expected to be released on Friday.

About 25 vets, nurses and auxiliary staff of the Redlands Veterinary Clinic had samples taken at the clinic on Tuesday.
A Queensland Health spokeswoman said 25 more people, who were not clinic staff but were associated with the infected horses, were being tested at their homes.

Some were interstate and were advised to see their local GP for testing.

Clinic owner Dr David Lovell said staff were happy to see a conclusion to the saga.
"We are still all very concerned for the two who have contracted the virus," Dr Lovell said.
"I haven't received any updates but it is an upsetting situation that nobody is taking lightly.

"Anything that could potentially attack the nervous system makes it doubly difficult to handle."
Queensland Health said veterinarian Ben Cunneen and a nurse were in a stable condition at the Princess Alexandra Hospital.

Meanwhile, two more horses on a north Queensland property are suspected to have contracted the virus in a separate outbreak.

One horse was put down on Monday after becoming seriously ill at the quarantined property at Cannonvale, near Proserpine, making it the second horse to die at the property within two weeks.

A third horse has also been reported ill.

Tests on the deceased horse will determine whether it had contracted Hendra virus, Biosecurity Queensland chief vet Ron Glanville said.

Initial tests on seven staff at the Cannonvale property have returned negative results. Further tests will be taken on Friday.

Tests are also being taken on Wednesday on the remaining horses at the Redlands Veterinary Clinic, with results expected late this week or early next week.

Hendra virus is known to be transmitted from fruit bats to horses and from horses to humans.
But there has been no human to human transmission of the virus.

Trainer Vic Rail and 14 horses died from the virus during the last major outbreak in 1994.

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