Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Love of horses turns into business for 2 women

Two Southeast Valley women who met while volunteering at a local rescue ranch are hoping to make a business out of their love of horses.

Kim Goetz, a freelance writer who covers the equestrian lifestyle for the Gilbert Republic, and Rachelle Schroeder have been operating 2 Mares Horse Care since November.

The two take care of horses while their owners are out of town. They charge $20 per visit for up to four horses.

Goetz and Schroeder talked about their business while tending to a six-horse, one-goat and two-dog Gilbert acreage one morning last week.

Why did you choose to start the business?

Goetz: We both have kids in school (Goetz, of Gilbert, has two children 5 and 9, while Schroeder, of Chandler, has three - 6, 9 and 10). This allows us to be full-time mothers. We get up and do this before anyone is up and in the evening after everyone is back home.

Unfortunately, we started the business right when the economy started to head south.
Schroeder: When your kids are young, your life is focused on them. But as they grow a little older, it's good to have an interest outside my family.

We both grew up around horses and we wanted to do something around horses. We love doing this.

Goetz: This is the first job I've had that's not related to my broadcast journalism degree. It's nice to sweat and get your hands dirty.

Why should a horse owner hire you?

Schroeder: People are cutting back on vacations and we want to make it affordable for backyard horse owners to be able to go on vacation.

Goetz: Taking care of other people's animals has a lot of responsibility. You have to know what you are doing, especially with horses. We look for problems and give preventive care. We check on other animals but focus on horses - feeding, watering and mucking.

How did you come up with the 2 Mares Horse Care name?

Schroeder: We were thinking about calling it Two Fillies ... but we are a little beyond that.
Goetz: Besides, wouldn't you rather have a mare taking care of your horse than a filly?

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